Learning to Fly

My first Base Jump back on the beautiful Tonsai Beach. I was lucky with one jump but on the second after a 1 hr rock climb up to the exit a thunderstorm forced me off. Just a cheeky 90min down climb to keep the fitness and nerves in check.
Book Update
The second round of editing is now complete. The manuscript will now go off for type setting before the final check. I have learnt a lot about the English language this week. Tenses, lay or laid, past or passed, it felt like I was back in high school and I feel sorry for all the immigrants who have to learn our words.
Chapter 13 – Magic Backpacks
‘Slowly I repositioned my feet and hands, turning my body around and I was now staring out at the canyon with a 150-metre drop below with nothing but sweaty hands death gripping the rail behind me for support. I extend my arms so that I was leaning out, away from the bridge, with my eyes fixated on the horizon. I said to Jimmy, ‘I’m ready to go.’ Jimmy had moved into position behind me holding my pilot chute and told me, ‘Okay mate, go ahead just like we practised.’